Pacific Heads-Up
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up #43
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Red #43
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Premiere Date #43
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Blue #43
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Silver #43
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up All-Stars Net #43
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up HD NHL #6
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Quad Jerseys #21
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Immortals #7
2001-02 Pacific Heads-Up Stats Masters #7
Every Heads-Up version is numbered : Red (2 per 25 packs, 165 copies), Premiere Date (1 per box, 105 copies), Blue (1 per 37 packs, 55 copies), and Silver (1 per 145 hobby, 27 copies). All-Stars Net is a very cool inserts, way before the Upper Deck ones, and it's numbered to 65 (plus the whooping 1 per 1153 packs odds!). HD NHL is a 1 per 19 packs insert, while the quad jersey is 2 per 19 hobby packs, but I think this one didn't come too often. Rink Immortal is numbered to 105 and can be found in every 289 packs. Stats Master completes the series.
2001-02 Parkhurst #13
2001-02 Parkhurst #390
2001-02 Parkhurst Silver #13
2001-02 Parkhurst Gold #13
2001-02 Parkhurst He Shoots He Scores #17
2001-02 Parkhurst He Shoots He Scores Redemption #17
2001-02 Parkhurst Heroes #H4
2001-02 Parkhurst Jersey #PJ19
2001-02 Parkhurst Jersey and Stick #PJS19
2001-02 Parkhurst Stick #PS19
2001-02 Parkhurst Milestones #M26
2001-02 Parkhurst Teammates #TM10
2001-02 Parkhurst Waving The Flag #30
Bure appeared two times in the set since he was traded to New York, but only the regular, not the update, has a silver (numbered to 500) and a gold version (numbered to 25 copies). Again, he is on the He Shoots He Scores program, as well as the redemption. Limited to 40 copies, he features alongside Maurice Richard in the Heroes Dual Jersey. Jersey (90 copies), Jersey and Stick (70 copies), Milestones (90 copies), Sticks (90 copies), Teammates (30 copies), completes the materials series. Waving the Flag is numbered to 2002, and copied the 1963-64 Parkhurst design.
Private Stock
2001-02 Private Stock #42
2001-02 Private Stock Retail #42
2001-02 Private Stock Silver #42
2001-02 Private Stock Gold #42
2001-02 Private Stock Premiere Date #42
2001-02 Private Stock PS-2002 #34
2001-02 Private Stock Reserve #7
Private Stock has five versions : Hobby (red), Retail (blue), Silver (numbered to 108), Gold (numbered to 106), and Premiere Date (numbered to 100). PS-2002 is a two-per-pack insert, while Reserve has an odd of 1 per 48 packs.
SP Authentic
2001-02 SP Authentic #35
2001-02 SP Authentic Limited #35
2001-02 SP Authentic Limited Gold #35
2001-02 SP Authentic Buyback Autograph #24
2001-02 SP Authentic Sign of the Times #PB
2001-02 SP Authentic Sign of the Times Double #BL
2001-02 SP Authentic Sign of the Times Triple #BKK
2001-02 SP Authentic Sample #10
For 5$ a pack, I think it was a good gamble for you can have. Base version has a Limited (numbered to 150) and a Limited Gold (numbered to 25) versions. Forty-one players have a buyback auto on the set and for Bure, it's the 1990-91 Upper Deck, numbered to only 6. Sign of the Times is a 1 per 24 packs insert, and you can have a double or a triple auto. Bure has also a sample version of the base card.
SP Game Used
2001-02 SP Game Used #23
2001-02 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics #AFBU
2001-02 SP Game Used Authentic Fabrics Gold #AFBU
2001-02 SP Game Used Patch #PPB
2001-02 SP Game Used Patch Double #DPSB
2001-02 SP Game Used Patch Triple #TPKYB
2001-02 SP Game Used Patch Auto #SPPB
2001-02 SP Game Used Patch Auto Double #DSPBL
2001-02 SP Game Used Patch Auto Double #DSPGB
SP Game Used has an insane price of 30$ per pack! But for what you can get in there, it's not that bad! So, besides base, Authentic Fabrics and Authentic Fabrics Gold (numbered to 50), are from
2001-02 SPx #29
2001-02 SPx #76
2001-02 SPx #86
2001-02 SPx #183
SPx was quite simple that year : all bases.
Stadium Club
2001-02 Stadium Club #16
2001-02 Stadium Club Award Winners #16
2001-02 Stadium Club Master Photo #16
2001-02 Stadium Club Gallery #G24
2001-02 Stadium Club Gallery Gold #G24
2001-02 Stadium Club NHL Passport #NHLPA4
2001-02 Stadium Club NHL Perennials #P1
2001-02 Stadium Club Souvenirs #SCSPB
2001-02 Stadium Club Souvenirs Double #SFPB
2001-02 Stadium Club Souvenirs Double #SSPB
Stadium Club has two versions of its base card, both numbered out of a hundred: Award Winner, who collectors could redeem cards from this set for a special NHL Award Winners sets if the player they held was of a player who won an NHL award during the 2000-01 season, while Master Photo a 1 per 45 packs parallel. There are many inserts in the series: Gallery (1 per 5), has a Gold version (1 per 319), NHL Passport (1 per 10), Perennials (1 per 7), and Souvenirs (1 per 16), completes it. Souvenirs have a doubler version numbered to 25 and are a tough pull (1 per 986).
2001-02 Titanium Hobby #59
2001-02 Titanium Retail #59
2001-02 Titanium Retail Red #59
2001-02 Titanium Hobby Red #59
2001-02 Titanium Premiere Date #59
2001-02 Titanium Saturday Knight#59
Titanium has five versions : Hobby, Retail, Retail Red (numbered to 131), Hobby Red and Premiere Date (numbered to 94). Saturday Knight is the only insert.
2001-02 Topps #8
2001-02 Topps Heritage Parallel #8
2001-02 Topps Heritage Parallel Limited #8
2001-02 Topps eTopps #17
2001-02 Topps Own The Game #OTG7
2001-02 Topps Shot Masters #SM2
2001-02 Topps Stars of the Game #SG3
Topps has a Heritage Parralel and a Limited version /50. I put the eTopps there because I don't know where to put it! Own the Game (1 per 6), Shot Masters (1 per 13) and Stars of the Game (1 per 12), completes the series.
Topps Chrome
2001-02 Topps Chrome #8
2001-02 Topps Chrome Refractor #8
2001-02 Topps Chrome Black Border Refractor #8
The chrome version of the Topps has a refractor (1 per 6 packs) and a Black Border Refractor, numbered /50.
Topps Heritage
2001-02 Topps Heritage #11
2001-02 Topps Heritage #121
2001-02 Topps Heritage #124
2001-02 Topps Heritage #132
2001-02 Topps Heritage Refractor #11
Topps Heritage has four base cards with Bure. The Refractor is limited to 558 copies.
Topps Reserve
2001-02 Topps Reserve #8
2001-02 Topps Reserve Jersey #TRPB
2001-02 Topps Reserve Emblem #TRLPB
2001-02 Topps Reserve Nameplate #TRNPB
2001-02 Topps Reserve Number #TR#PB
2001-02 Topps Reserve Patch #TRPPB
Topps Reserve made a similar line as BAP Memorabilia with the jersey (1 per 4 TR prefix), Emblem (1 per 32 TRL prefix), Nameplate (1 per 32 TRN prefix), Number (1 per 29, TR# prefix), and Patch (1 per 257, TRP prefix).